How to find your Major Arcana Birth Card
The Major Arcana of the Tarot are 22 cards number 0-21 that represent major themes and big ideas. They are. the archetypes of the deck and we should sit up and pay attention when they show up in our readings. What if there was a card that most represented me as an individual. As it turns out, there is! Read on and find out how to use your birthdate and numerology to find out which card it is.
First, xpress your birthdate as numbers in the usual way and add all the single digits of that birthdate together. For example if your birthdate is June 21, 1969, that’s 6/21/1968. We add the digits together 6+2+1+1+9+6+8=33. Since the Major Arcana are only numbered up to 21, you’re going to add the digits together until you get a number between 1 and 22. So we add 3+3 and get 6. We look at a numbered list of the Major Arcana Cards (I’ll paste one on to the end of this post) and we see that card number 6 is The Lovers.
Its possible to have more than one birth card. If you get a number like 12, you can go with The Hanged Man, or you can add 1 and 2 together and get number 3, The Empress. So, which one? The good thing is that you can choose, or you can think about them in combination. Often numerologically linked cards like these already have a connection. You could even have 3 cards to combine or choose from. For example if the total of your digits is 19, that would indicate The Sun, but you could add 1 and 9 and get 10, The Wheel of Fortune, but you could go another step and add 1 and 0, which of course would equal 1 and indicate card number 1, The magician. Since, no list of digits in a birthday could possible add up to 0, how does one end up with card number 0, The Fool? If you’re digits add up to 22, many people consider that to indicate The Fool. Of course the 2’s could also be added together to give us card number 4, The Emperor, and isn’t it true that those who rule are often fools?
I have helped people figure out their card and it has in many cases been as valuable to them as a reading, and in many of these cases, I wasn’t even in the same room with my cards. Take some time and do the math and see which Major Arcana Card most represents you!
Be Well All!
Major Arcana List:
0 – Fool – 0
1 Magician – I
2 High Priestess – II
3 Empress – III
4 Emperor – IV
5 Hierophant – V
6 Lovers – VI
7 Chariot – VII
8 Strength – VIII
9 Hermit – IX
10 Wheel of Fortune – X
11 Justice – XI
12 The Hanged Man – XII
13 Death – XIII
14 Temperance – XIV
15 Devil – XV
16 The Tower – XVI
17 The Star – XVII
18 The Moon – XVIII
19 The Sun – XIX
20 Judgement – XX
21 The World – XXI